Jun 29, 2014 | Animals, Daily Life
Millie just hit an even dozen in a row. She hasn’t said anything and I don’t wanna jinx her, but I suspect she has the all-time record in mind. Surely you’ve heard of it. Back in 1941, a hen named Jo DiMaggio laid an egg on each of 56 consecutive...
Jun 22, 2014 | Animals, Daily Life
So glad the human eye is geared toward picking up motion, even very peripherally. Was watching Rose sunbathe when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. It was yesterday’s doe. She had obviously been nursing, but had no fawn with her yesterday. Today was...
Jun 20, 2014 | Animals, Daily Life
Got home to the Queen Mum and Princess Lay-a pecking around the driveway. From there it was stir-fried garden veggies for supper, blueberry picking for dessert and a great horned owl warming up, followed by this evening’s Floatfest, the simulated miniaturized...
May 29, 2014 | Reflection
Memorial Day began as Decoration Day, and originally commemorated those soliders who died on both sides in the Civil War. We have since come to honor all Americans who have died during military service on Memorial Day, and more and more people are using the...
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