The Power of Memory: Will, Fred and Lear

Amazing, the power of memory. I’m reading “The Year of Lear,” a look at the London of 1606 and three plays Shakespeare wrote that year—“King Lear,” “Macbeth” and “Antony and Cleopatra. As I read the harrowing scene in which Lear says, “Who is it that can tell me who I...

Fowl Fecundity

Egg production is thus far down sharply today. I’ve just had a talk with Millie. Fowl fecundity being the sine qua non of a factory farm, no matter how tiny, I asked her to rally and showcase the team spirit reflected in the signs and posters hung inside the...

Lone Turkey Hen

The lone turkey hen who comes into the yard now and then was, again by herself, across a newly mown field near the edge of the woods 80 yards off the road as I walked this morning. Would love to know her story. Haven’t seen chicks in two years or a male in...

John Seigenthaler

John Seigenthaler was a giant. He was as much a part of this city’s history as anyone he covered, and his integrity and passion for truth and justice have inspired many people in many walks of life. I appeared on his televised book review program, A Word on...
‘Tis the season

‘Tis the season

‘Tis the season. First, a neighbor who’s been sharing extra garden produce. Then, as I was on my way back from a walk this morning, the other neighbor hollered and asked if I wanted some tomatoes. Uh, yes. Then I took extra eggs to a working lunch with...

Gentle Coup

I do believe there’s been a gentle coup. It sure seems like Millie is now the dominant hen. She’s quicker, she’s a little bigger, and she’s not shy about going for corn or cantaloupe or anything else first, but while she’s clearly out...

Mr. Hall

Walked out this morning to the sight of our neighbor, Mr. Hall, sitting in his plastic chair between his garden and the fence, with three bags hanging on our side. Okra, green beans and cucumbers. Made him the first recipient of Millie eggs and he promised to send...

Fixing Me

Remembering that the best use of the time and energy I’d like to spend fixing you is fixing me.


My dad died 11 years ago this week. Hard to believe it’s been that long. He was, among other things, a character. Here are some of the things I remember him saying more than once. In some cases, way more than once:   1. Life is a do-it-yourself kit. 2....